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Toolbox specification

C. Bagnasco, C. Biasuzzi, K. Hakan, F. Capitanescu, M. Bolfek, D. Mešić, E. Martines Cesena, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, M.F. Simões, J. Rodrigues, M. Gržanić, T. Capuder, D. Vrbicic Tendera, P. Sagrestano Stamuk, H. Keko


The present deliverable introduces the modular open source toolbox to be developed and operationalized in the project “Advanced Tools Towards cost-efficient decarbonisation of future reliable Energy SysTems” (ATTEST). This open source toolbox comprises a suite of innovative tools to support TSOs / DSOs planning, operating and maintaining the energy systems of 2030 and beyond in an optimized and coordinated manner, considering technical, economic and environmental aspects. This deliverable should be considered as a living document, that will be amended and completed during the first phases of tools development.
This document reports the requirements for the tools that will be developed in WP3 (planning tools), WP4 (operation tools) and WP5 (asset management tools). In order to identify these requirements, the inputs and outputs of all tools are analysed as well as the interactions between individual tools that compose the toolbox. This includes examining the data sources and defining the format types that will be used, which requires specifying common data formats to be adopted for exchanging data between the several sources and tools. As different formats may be used internally by the different tools, a set of data converters need to be developed in order to translate the data between different formats.
Finally, the high-level functionalities interface between the components of the toolbox and the ICT platform that will be developed in WP6 are described.


Funding entity: Comisión Europea. Horizon 2020 – Cooperation / Energy

Publication date: 30-09-2020


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